Coaching Sessions

Ready to create a significant shift in your life? 

Going through a coaching session assists you in getting real and becoming authentic with yourself.  You’ll be able to meet your relationship challenges with greater ease and compassion. 

As we work together with the Radical Forgiveness tools, you’ll discover that you not only have freedom from that seductive victim consciousness, but you’re able to connect deeply with your heart, mind and soul.

One-on-One Session, 2-2.5 hours

Where do you deeply hurt?

What bothers you enough right now that you would like to take care of to feel happier?

Together, we uncover these answers to help you transform from feeling resentful, angry, unworthy or helpless in the relationships you’re struggling with.

In your private session, we’ll go through the 5 essential stages of Radical Forgiveness togetherUsing key transformational tools combined with my coaching skills and guidance, I facilitate the process in a gentle, compassionate way at a pace that allows you to heal and move forward feeling free from negative thought patterns.

What you can expect

To book your session, please contact me.

“Radical Transformation" Coaching Package, 6 weeks

Work towards complete resolution in your healing with this comprehensive package that includes the following tools: 

1) A process for the TRUE Transformation of a Grievance

2) SELF Forgiveness/SELF Acceptance

3) Radical Acceptance

4) Forgiveness is a 3-Letter Word

What you can expect from this laser-focused healing work

I know from my own experience and from seeing what my clients go through what a radical change this process makes in people’s lives. 

The Radical Transformation Coaching Program covers a 6-week timeframe and includes 24-30 hours of private, one-on-one sessions.

Special Bonuses

For more details, please apply for your 30 min. complimentary call or contact me for more information.

Radical Forgiveness book